Britain's Beer Revolution by Roger Protz and Adrian Tierney-Jones
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UK brewing has seen unprecedented growth in the last decade. Breweries of all shapes and sizes are flourishing and the range of home-grown beers available in pubs and shops has never been so diverse. British beer consumers have never had it so good and, headed by real ale, a 'craft' beer revolution is sweeping the country.
CAMRA have brought together some the Britain's top beer writers and spoken to key figures in British brewing - hop growers, maltsters, brewers, pub owners and critics - to celebrate Britain's Beer Revolution. These experts look behind the beer labels and shine a spotlight on what makes British beer so good. National and regional brewers with generations of tradition rub shoulders with new micro-brewers, and popular classic beers jostle for space at the bar with modern interpretations and innovative new masterpieces.
All the brewers featured are dedicated to one thing...Making great British beer. This book won the authors the British Guild of Beer Writers silver award for Best Beer & Travel Writer in 2015.